
by BabbeyLynn • Uploaded: Jul. 14 '12


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Description: This logo was an assignment in my current graphic design class. Amber Lynn is a clothing store and i was assigned to recreate their logo.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 1284

Lets Discuss

bryanlauer11 Jul. 14 '12

Love the look there Brooke. I like on how you colors to compliment the other and I like the font that you used. I still do not see how this can represent that they are a clothing designer.

BabbeyLynn Jul. 14 '12

thanks bryan! well when i was designing this i was trying to picture how it would look on actual clothing and for the most part of all the logo brands i can think of they are very simple and just a name usually or some have a simple little bird or whatever beside the name. so i just thought of color and the name it self. instead of it being to busy or not classy looking to have on clothing.

MauricioG Jul. 16 '12

I could see this logo apparel clothing and accessories. Very well done. Simple but unique.


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