
by BabbeyLynn • Uploaded: Jul. 24 '12


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Description: Seven-2 is an auction store that would like their logo recreated and wanted a retro theme this is what i came up with. this is the logo i chose to do for them.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 788

Lets Discuss

bryanlauer11 Jul. 25 '12

I like the colors that you use, but for some reason it makes me think of the 80's. I feel that I am going back to dancing disco. I really do not like the font, it makes my eyes strain a lot, I have to slowly read it to understand what it is. Sorry for the harsh words on this one.

BabbeyLynn Jul. 25 '12

thats what they wants was to go back into that time

bryanlauer11 Jul. 26 '12

I thought it was for the late 40's to the late 60's?


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