Lets Make It Awesome

by AlphabetArmDesign • Uploaded: May. 05 '09


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Description: Let’s Make It Awesome (one of the best company names we’ve heard in a long time) asked us to design an identity of awesomeness for their newly founded search engine optimization/marketing firm. The client allowed our imagination to run wild and simply suggested to let the company name be our source of inspiration. If you know much of our work at Alphabet Arm, you know we can’t pass up the chance to illustrate an awesome robot. So we did just that. So awesome, in fact, that the founder of LMIA gave us final approval on the logo by sending a photo of the new logo tattooed on his flesh.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2404

Lets Discuss

frankp May. 05 '09

Love it. It *is* awesome :)**I can see how despite it's unusual qualities for a logo it would be very flexible, but I'm curious if you have specifically developed versions for uses such as B%26W etc?**As in do you envisage the logo always being a complete entity, or would the Robot or the speech bubble element serve as a stand alone recognisable elements?**

alphabet arm design May. 08 '09

@frankp - Glad you dig it. To answer your questions, yes we did create an alternate version that was meant to be use 1 color. We also pulled the logo apart and used elements for the office system separately. We always try to create logos that are flexible like that.


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