
by AlexanderSpliid • Uploaded: Feb. 05 '10


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Description: Wordmark for optimeria- A danish company optimizing online bussinesses for better conversion. The type is custom, and inspired by the Gotham typeface.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4019

Lets Discuss

ksnagra Feb. 05 '10

Pure simplicity, love it. However, I always find it a little hard to work with wide logos, especially when using them on favicons or other square spaces, but suppose you could simply show the first letter or something.

bitencourt Feb. 05 '10

Looks very very nice, Alex! float and float!

Rokac Feb. 05 '10

That is one optimized type!*Great work Alex!

JoePrince Feb. 05 '10

This one looks really nice Alex.

milou Feb. 05 '10

awesome type Alex!

Type08 Feb. 05 '10

What if you try switching lower case 't' with upper case T? I think it would be an interesting solution...

alexanderspliid Feb. 05 '10

@ ksnagra, I hear you, but favicons are hard on any logo, using the first letter sure is an acceptabel solution :)**And thanks for the lovely comments bitencourt, jacob, rokac and joe, means a lot!

alexanderspliid Feb. 05 '10

Thanks milou, means alot, i have always admired your typework.

alexanderspliid Feb. 05 '10

Client is happy with logo as it is now alen, but i'll try playing around with it, if it is any improvement i'll show it to the client, as i am still working on colors and other minor changes... Thanks for the tip.

ethereal Feb. 05 '10

Nice job, I like it, Alex.

alexanderspliid Feb. 05 '10

Thaanks sean, im glad.**btw. Here is a version with a capital T %22link text%22:http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/92991**Thanks for the tip alen, i would love your thoughts on the one with the capital T. Personally i think it adds something, but i also miss some of that %22friendly feel%22 **I'll have to sleep on this :)

ethereal Feb. 05 '10

No question I prefer this version. Seems to fit better to me, better balance and it's a nice counter shape to the lowercase r. If you go with the uppercase T you might pull in the kerning between the p and T.

alexanderspliid Feb. 06 '10

%5EI somehow agree with you, but then again the uppercase T adds some authority. Client is able to recognize good design, and therefore i am sure they will make the right choice. **The kerning issue between p and T has been fixed, thanks for the advice Sean, appreciate it.

alexanderspliid May. 02 '10

Thank you very much T%F8mme.


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