The Taste of Madison Logo

by AJGagnon • Uploaded: Jul. 18 '08


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Description: The finalized taste of Madison logo, a sidewalk festival of food, music, and culture.
As seen on: the Taste of Madison
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3379

Lets Discuss

sdijock Jul. 18 '08

Is this for Madison, NJ?

Darrel Jul. 18 '08

%22Madison, WI%22**The *good* Madison. %3Bo)**Nice logo!

sdijock Jul. 20 '08

Better than Madison, NJ!? Highly doubtful, cheese-heads. (See link below)***

sdijock Aug. 01 '08

Alright Darrel, point taken about the %22Madison%22 comparisons. Just don't ask anyone from Madison, Wisconsin to do any math problems (see %22Test Scores Math%22 under %22Education%22 in your link). **However, I actually grew up in Parsipppany, NJ which happens to be ranked %2313 on the list! Top that my friend. :%3EP

hindmarshdesign Oct. 19 '08

I love the colouring technique! Very chalky.

andreiu Jun. 30 '09

i really love this one! great!

lundeja Jun. 30 '09

Hey AJ, I'm from Madison, too. I love what you did with this logo, I think it is very fitting for the city and the event. Nice to see you finally uploaded an avatar for yourself, too! :)

tass Jul. 01 '09

Very nice again!


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