woyte: 'WIP'


David Woyte

It always was important for me to creat something unique. In 2004 I started with sketching weird things I saw around me during my free-time. It wasn’t hard to find something I could draw in my very own way.

My first foray into painting started in 2005 with the painting I’m So Empty Here Without You. I was fascinated about the freedom I had with water color. Beside that I didn’t know much artists, which still draw with such cheap implements. So I decided that this was my way to go with my all-consuming passion of art.
It wasn’t easy to be true blue with this kind of art. But I’m full into it, now.

The weightily aspect of my act is to convey different messages, traditional pictures represent the most personal side of my artistic work. Imagination is the only place where I feel completely and absolutely who I am : no need to explain every sigh, symbol or secret; no urge to find the key of mystical and highly conceptual images whose sense I only understand afterwards

Nowadays it is hard to find time to paint. Most of my time I’m busy studying economy.

Although web design is the second thing I’m into. Beside my preoccupation I tempt to fabricate my own personal world, where I can indicate my conceivabilities, ideas and fantasies. It is important to me to make a world which I’m into myself. Since years I try to finde it, but I finally found it, now. My own world, with my own rules and my personal area.

Most of my inspiration comes from abysmall anxiety, undyingly ferventness, atrocious souls and defective affairs. My Sources are music, art, ethics and introspection. The main reason is the interplay of excellence and expressiveness which are forcing me to paint my feelings about it.
I try to capture my current condition when I’m confronted with the good and the bad.


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