Elovant WIP

by watermarker • Uploaded: Jun. 15 '12


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Description: Had some time lately and came up with a little idea for a concept. I hope its not already realized anywhere. Still fiddeling around with a proper name. But since its fun, its not so important IMHO. Check also the other version!
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 7930
Tags: Animals Heart Love Elefant

Lets Discuss

Type and Signs Jun. 16 '12

but ... I like this a lot more ...

THEArtistT Jun. 16 '12

I like them both very much for different reasons. make another couple of style variations and sell it as an artistic brand for a design type company.

watermarker Jun. 17 '12

Thanks alot, Trish! Maybe the possibility will raise up some day. :)

ladygrey Jun. 17 '12

many pleasant looks for this! Very beauty little peace!

Watermarker Jun. 18 '12

Errr.... thanks Alena! Sorry!


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