Elepheart WIP

by watermarker • Uploaded: Jun. 15 '12


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Description: Had some time lately and came up with a little idea for a concept. I hope its not already realized anywhere. Still fiddeling around with a proper name. But since its fun, its not so important IMHO. Check also the other version!
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 6871
Tags: Animals Heart Love Elefant

Lets Discuss

watermarker Jun. 15 '12

Vielen Dank, Timo! :)

Type and Signs Jun. 16 '12

YOU ARE NOT WEAK ... man ... that's great stuff !!

watermarker Jun. 16 '12

Is it? Thanks! Not sure... I wonder, if anyone can see the elephant - in both versions?

Type and Signs Jun. 16 '12

Yes it is ... but ... I would like to see the pure b&w version ... only elephant and type ... kick the underlying surface

watermarker Jun. 16 '12

As you wish! I also edited the small conection to the 'h' ... I had something in mind like the ballon dropping upward from the letter. But its maybe a bit much.

Type and Signs Jun. 16 '12

I like this pure version much more ... but there's still one question I have ... on one hand there's the balloon like shape of the elephant, on the other the claim "never forgetting" ... what is the story behind it ... balloon and forgetting ??

Have to leave the office now ... curious to read your answer later ... bye my friend !!

ladygrey Jun. 16 '12

Very cool idea & execution

watermarker Jun. 16 '12

Thanks, my lady! :)

@TAZ: Its nothing special. Its about love: heartshaped balloons and sensible beings, that never forget the love they have or had - just like it is said about elephants, that they never forget. Call me theatralic or whatever, there is no special story behind - everyone can find his own story. I rather want to transport a feeling.
As for business, I can imagine at least some kind of chatroom, dating site or such thing. The name can change therefore and here it is just supporting the icon.

watermarker Jun. 16 '12

BTW: I like the pure version more too. Thanks! :)

Type and Signs Jun. 16 '12

looks great ... sometimes less is more .... have a great time my theatralic friend ... ;D

THEArtistT Jun. 16 '12

this is beautiful, but I would fiddle with the name a bit more. to me it reads, "ele-fart" right now.

watermarker Jun. 17 '12

Elefart, you are right, otherwise the baloon wouldn't fly. Helium was too expensive. :)

Seriously - I will look for something better.

mateoto Jun. 21 '12

i love the concept!

watermarker Jun. 26 '12

Thanks alot, Josephine and Mateo!

oscarcuriel Jan. 07 '13

Great Concept men! :)

tabithakristen Jan. 08 '13

lol I agree with Trish about the name because the first thing I read was \"ele-fart.\" Of course, I realize that probably means I\'m very immature and easily amused by fart jokes but, that\'s just my 2 cents. haha


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