
by volverise • Uploaded: Mar. 03 '12 - Gallerized: Mar. '12


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Description: Dukat - luxury gold jewellery
As seen on: Dukat
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 11149
Tags: volverise luxury jewellery gold

Lets Discuss

balic Mar. 04 '12

Very nice type!*Only one thing, %22K%22 has more of this light color then the rest of letters. You could make that upper arm of K the same width as in U or A. Light leg in T also seems a bit thicker than in D, U, A. I apologize if I'm being too picky :) It really looks very nice anyway.*Good luck!

volverise Mar. 06 '12

Thank you balic for your comment. I have to say you're right - light leg in T seems a bit thicker than in D,U and A. I don't know how it happened, mistake is so obvious...thank you again :)

BOPOTA Oct. 13 '12

Very nicely executed design, indeed. However, I\'d like to point it out that a last letter \" T \" should\'ve been kept in tact with the style with the other letters... What I mean is that a thin hotizontal bar that makes a top portion of letter \" T \" must be redone to look the same as the base portion of letter \" U \". If you can trim 1/3 from the bottom of letter \" U \" then reverse the light and a shade portion on that and place it to the top of the \" T \" - that would make a huge change in overall look.


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