by victorbartis • Uploaded: Dec. 16 '11 - Gallerized: Dec. '11
previously uploaded without the type, here it is it's full form.
Identity for an international jazz festival, that takes place once a year at Green Hours 22 Jazz Cafe. This is the first international jazz festival in a club in Romania, soon reaching the fourth edition. Done in 2008.
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Lets Discuss
Awesome stuff Victor, great identity!
Replystyle is awesome
Replyyes! Fun!
Replyyeah i like it
ReplyWow great style!
ReplyCool* work.
Replyyes ... cool inspiring work !
ReplyWacky style. I love it!
Replythanks very much everybody! means a great deal ! thanks for the gallery, too!
ReplyThe dude looks ready to improv' -- nice work Victor!
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