
by tilecreative • Uploaded: Aug. 28 '08


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Description: Expansion / continuation of the components of a Brand for a retail arcade - each number is a brand for a unit, unit numbers 12-22 - please also see the main brand 12-22 (Main)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1183

Lets Discuss

GabrielRO Aug. 28 '08

this looks pretty interesting, i must say.

cobaltcow Aug. 28 '08

not sure you will be okay using the McDonald's M in the brand.

sdijock Aug. 28 '08

Interesting indeed, but I don't think it's a very effective logo as it's not immediately apparent as to what it is. And I agree with cobalt about the usage of the McDonald's %22golden arches%22 - I hope you have deep pockets to fight with their attorneys...

tilecreative Aug. 28 '08

the numbers represent each retail venture within the arcade, McDonalds are one of the tenants.

tilecreative Aug. 29 '08

Hi sdijock - *this is not the main brand, it is a breakdown of the numbering system i used within the brochure, creating mini brands for each unit, each number represents its own unit, i used this and some more details as the cover for a brochure, for the brand please see 12-22 (Main). *cheers buddy.

sdijock Aug. 29 '08

OK, got it. Thanks for clarifying.


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