
by teeps • Uploaded: Apr. 11 '09 - Gallerized: Apr. '09


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Lets Discuss

MomentumMagazine Apr. 11 '09

Very creative mark. I like it!

theartistt Apr. 13 '09

as nice as this looks, I have a problem with flip flops (thongs) posing as slip ons (slippers). otherwise this is very well done.

scottcorgan Apr. 21 '09

Looks like a rip off of to me ... very creative though....

dezinart Apr. 21 '09

I guess I can see Scottcorgans point. But it's a stretch and yours is ten times better Teeps. Beautiful work!

jrocka Apr. 21 '09

It looks as if the designer would have used the word sandals instead of slippers if it would not ape the sandals church brand so obviously. Though it is possible that it is not an intentional homage.**the word slippers just weakens the visual...i have never called my flip flops or thongs slippers.

hindmarshdesign Apr. 21 '09

Does anyone call these thongs/sandles/flipflops/jandles slippers?

koodoz Apr. 21 '09

%5E Heheh, So many names for such a simple thing. Technically I think they can be called everything, even Havaianas is becoming a common name for them. The only name that doesn't really apply (to me) is slippers. As far as I'm concerned, slippers are worn by old people or people with cold feet.

Brandsimplicity Apr. 21 '09

These are thongs or flipflops..but hey the mark rocks!

teeps Apr. 21 '09

Thanks a lot ....%0D*%0D*Defiantly @Koodoz sandles, flip-flops, jandles (thanks to hindmarshdesign never new jandles existed), Havaianas (thanks to you, I have never heard about it) and similarly slippers... And got one new word for it %22CHUP-PEL%22 :-)%0D*%0D*M surprised about thongs though.

tokostyler Apr. 22 '09

good idea:) congratulations.

teeps Apr. 22 '09

*knew i mean **@tokostyler thanks buddy

logomotive Apr. 22 '09

I think you should rotate the mark %3Eclockwise to make the S more appear more like an S?

logo designer gold coast Apr. 23 '09

Nice relaxed feel however not sure the font matches the feel of the icon. Font is Qlassik isn't it?

teeps Apr. 25 '09

Thanks for the suggestion motive and thank you @vintage.**Yes the font is Qlassik @ logo designer gold coast%3B I liked your website ( by the way

sethetter Apr. 25 '09

Awesome work. Awesome idea. :)

koodoz Apr. 27 '09

@teeps: Jandles is the term they use in New Zealand. Thongs is the term we use in Australia (the other kind of thong is referred to as a G-String in the land down under :) ) and Havaianas are a really popular Brazilian brand of footwear which everyone in Australia and probably Brazil wears. It's kind of become a household name for thongs, similar to Hoover for Vacuum cleaners and Kleenex for tissues.

teeps Apr. 27 '09

:) thanks a lot Koodoz, a helpful info right there .... **and thank you @sethetter

levi88 Apr. 28 '09

FYI: In the Philippines, flipflops/thongs are called slippers.**also, brilliant logo!

teeps Apr. 28 '09

Thank you guys @chng! %26 levi88 I appreciate your input

rameshkennedy May. 01 '09

Ha Mr. Teeps its fantastic, I love making logos but it does'nt loves me, ur gifted

teeps May. 06 '09

Thank a lot for valuable comments Mr. Ramesh, well this is the first time my logo got featured and if you take a sneak peak to my profile, Men's Skin was the first logo I've designed and that was four years ago... its like learning from experiences and LogoPond is a great site for that required inspiration... just visit this place and you'll figure out for sure

api May. 19 '09

i think it is great! :) like it

ronsalas May. 19 '09

Incredibly clever.

teeps Jun. 04 '09

Thanks a lot, Guyz!

pablodt Aug. 20 '09

smart concept, I like it!

vasvari Aug. 22 '09

Huuu teeps, very man of ideas! Flawless!


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