Casa Timis

by tass • Uploaded: Apr. 26 '09


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Description: Romanian wine seller. Proposal in a contest, was one of the client 2 final options, but he went with another proposal. It figures a bottle-glass positive-negative space game. The drop is a Romanian specific typing character (a diacritical mark).
As seen on:
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 8488

Lets Discuss

logotomy Apr. 27 '09

Yep, looks really good. Like the colors too.

tass Apr. 27 '09

thank you for the comments!

Paul Rand Apr. 27 '09

Nice positive and negative.*The way it bounces back and forth is easily done.

tass Apr. 27 '09

thank you all for compliments.

tconrad Apr. 27 '09

this is much better than the other. well done. haven't seen it done like this yet. clever.

logomotive Apr. 27 '09

I'm sure someone else will mention it but did not someone like raja do this earlier.?

tass Apr. 28 '09

Well, unfortunately at the time this was made (october 2007) i was not aware about raja, or pond. later (not sure at what point) i've find out about both. I know his similar logo too, to be sincere make me sad when first saw it as it had quite the same idea that was making me not the only one who did that. I can bring out some schetces on how did i got o this shapes but i am sure it's just a question of trust, and everyone will be subjective inn believing or not. Respect on raja's work and thank your for the comment logomotive i was not remembering in which portfolio did i see the similar logo.

oski Jun. 06 '09

We all sometimes find out that our great idea was/will be done similar way but your execution is just 100%25. You have my vote!:)*

pablodt Aug. 19 '09

great work of negative space

Creative Squall Oct. 24 '09

Love the positive/negative.

OMNI Jan. 29 '10

Hello :-) dropping by to congratulate you on some good work. You've got some nice things around here. This one is my fave.

Pierro Oct. 07 '10

I just love this one.

Noetic Brands Dec. 10 '10

I made an almost similar design with 2 bottles and 1 glass though. And it was in 2007 as well. I did not know about LP back then either.

tass Dec. 10 '10

Thank you. Well in time i've seen about 7-10 logos designed on this idea. The first one was the most difficult to admit and accept, the rest of them came a little easier. It seems that many designers imagined this. Some even better than i did i have to admit. **To be honest when i've designed it i was very happy with it, but now after a few years i find that type solution a little to very uninspired. :)

Artgeko Oct. 04 '11

Original and elegant, interesting option!

tass Oct. 04 '11

Thank you! :) Unfortunately on the original part, i have seen during year similar concepts, one at least done before, and even thou i was very proud if my idea i felt very bad about seeing it, sometimes even better done by other designers too. :) I guess that this is life, full of surprises.


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