Kudos Beach - 6th year of the beach

by tass • Uploaded: Apr. 21 '09


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Description: Kudos Beach - 6th year of the beach (in 2008), InDeep&Dance clubbing event - second proposal of their logo edit. Was used in printed materials as you can see on the link below.
As seen on: www.alextass.com
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4519

Lets Discuss

brandon Barnard Apr. 21 '09

i like the type and how you have ahndfeled the colour blend how did you do that?

tass Apr. 22 '09

thank you brandon, i'm sure that there's no secret for you regarding the colors, i've just played with the gradients in the intersected areas :)

brandon Barnard Apr. 23 '09

i really like the revised version on this. I am still intrested to hear a more detail on your technique, if you would not mind?

tass Apr. 24 '09

Well, first of all this version included their original logo (which is the k in the sun shape - which by the way wasn't created by me) as the client considered the other version too different from their actual image. And about the technique as i previously said in a vector software after i did choose a gradient for each letter i did the intersections between letters and edited the resulting shapes using new gradients containing similar colors to both letters intersected. It was a manual process no multiply or other kind of filter used. I hope you will find you answer in here if not i guess we can find a way to contact each other. And thank you again for the comment.

brandon Barnard Apr. 24 '09

the original logo is the waekest element to this logo which shows just how good you are. i love your technique. great work!

tass Apr. 24 '09

thank you again, o consider i still have a lot to learn about, but again thanks for compliments and congratulations for your works too, very inspiring!

tass Apr. 24 '09

thank you again, i consider i still have a lot to learn about, but again thanks for compliments and congratulations for your works too, very inspiring!

filipev Oct. 15 '10

This is so nice! The colours are perfect!

tass Oct. 15 '10

Thank you filipev! :)

tass Oct. 15 '10

hmm is textile / html disabled in comments?*in preview i see the right thing but after posting they are not shown...


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