the secret society

by tass • Uploaded: Aug. 30 '10


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Description: work in progress. any suggestion on how can i improve it?
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Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1749

Lets Discuss

engar Aug. 30 '10

I would try to work with the %22secret%22 word, hiding it or part of it and only suggest it. **Thinking out loud :)

Mikeymike Aug. 30 '10

thinking out load, but what if you flipped %22secret%22 horizontally? or simply made the shadows go the opposite in only the word %22secret%22? Just a thought.

tass Aug. 30 '10

hm nice ideas, thank you both. another idea that i had working on this was to have %22the society%22 in clean and only %22secret%22 hidden, but i've considered that hiding all the words in the same way gives a more uniform image about the subject. **about flipping the word i am not sure that that will work, but i like the idea of using the shadow in the opposite direction. i will try that. thank you. :)


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