Berry Bobber

by tanami • Uploaded: Oct. 13 '14


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Description: The idea for this actually came from (my own) misuse of the word "bobber". I thought it could be a word used to refer to a girl with a bob haircut, lol. Anyway, that lead to the idea of a girl with berries on her head in the shape of a bob hairdo and the name "Berry Bobber" seemed very catchy. If you have any suggestions for a different name, please don't hesitate to leave a comment! P.S. Don't mind the type, it's just temporary.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 7458
Tags: face fruit berries girl

Lets Discuss

tanami Oct. 19 '14

Ah, you're quite right, Rait. I've seen that logo some time ago, so perhaps I was subconsciously influenced. It happens sometimes, unwittingly.


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