50/50 Coffee

by szende • Uploaded: Jun. 26 '12 - Gallerized: Jul. '12


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Description: Another logo design for an Ecuadorian coffee company. I really like the idea behind the name which is: they export coffee to United States and Europe, and for each sale they make, they return 50% of the revenue to the impoverished Ecuadorian towns where the Coffee is grown. This money is then used for various development related tasks, including building schools, helping farmers upgrade their equipment and funding teacher salaries. Like it! (:
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 12552

Lets Discuss

AaronAndary Jun. 26 '12

Love this, not just for design but the company too.

paulychops Jun. 26 '12

another great design!

kastelov Jul. 04 '12

I like this better than the other one, both are awesome though.

szende Jul. 05 '12

thanks a bunch fellas!

elpuser Jul. 23 '12

I like the colors you used

atomicvibe Aug. 15 '12

Another great mark, Szende. Very thoughtful concept. Thanks for sharing a bit of the brief and your rationale.

ejefferi Aug. 17 '12

Awesome mark, and thanks for the description!

szende Aug. 17 '12

thanks fellas, huge thanks (:


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