Guitar Maker

by struve • Uploaded: Oct. 04 '12 - Gallerized: Jan. '13


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Description: Custom type logo for guitar maker. The guitar depicted is unique to this maker.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 9388
Tags: grunge banner scroll guitar

Lets Discuss

balic Nov. 07 '12

Very nice typography and congrats on placing the guitar in it without loosing harmony! I think this one deserves much more floats.
Good luck!

struve Nov. 19 '12

thank you balic. much appreciated.

chanpion Jan. 29 '13

Any nicely done guitar log has my float! Great work! Dunno if it means anything but the guitar also looks like some sort of shark/dolphin/whale creature.

struve Jan. 29 '13

^ Ha. I see what you mean, thanks! No, just the way the body has that long 'fin' was unique to this maker. Unfortunately it's now in the 'unused' category.


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