Soren Fund Management

by strangeideas • Uploaded: Jan. 19 '10


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Description: Fund management firm. Art director, designer, illustrator, James Strange. Copyright, James Strange.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3959

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Jan. 19 '10

This has a beautiful feel and look to it James. Nice work!

jerron Jan. 19 '10

As usual it stands out amongst the crowd.

sdijock Jan. 19 '10

Truly beautiful mark James. Just wondering what the mark is supposed to be - wings perhaps? Can you elaborate?**My only comment is that I think the type could be larger in relation to the mark.

JF Jan. 19 '10

%5EAgree with sdijock. Gorgeous logomark, type size %5Bparticularly 'fund management'%5D...not so much. Had to squint to see it, and barely could make it out at that.

strangeideas Jan. 19 '10

%22sdijock said:*Truly beautiful mark James. Just wondering what the mark is supposed to be - wings perhaps? Can you elaborate?**My only comment is that I think the type could be larger in relation to the mark.%22**Yes. Wings. Playing of the name %22Soren%22 implying %22soaring%22 as to fly. The type will be configured in different lockups, horizontally and vertically and adjusted for size per the application. Just for show right now.

ideoma Jan. 19 '10

would be a great logo for massage therapy! %3D)

Larkef Jan. 20 '10

I love it, well done.

langebæk Jan. 20 '10

Beautiful design. Like it very much - though I must admit, I don't get any %22fund management%22 associations.

nitish.b Jan. 20 '10

need a standing ovation...clap clap..!!!

Chad Sanderson Oct. 13 '10

Fantastic. Get this man a feature.

Pierro Oct. 13 '10

This user since registration was always in the gallery. :%5C


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