Heart Build Foundation

by strangeideas • Uploaded: Oct. 15 '09 - Gallerized: Oct. '09


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Description: Building a healthy heart initiative. Art director, designer, illustrator, James Strange. Copyright, James Strange.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 12741

Lets Discuss

!mude Oct. 15 '09

Looks great - nice one

alto Oct. 15 '09

This is very nice. The heart portion looks a bit flat in comparison to the rest of the logo. Perhaps a more prominent highlight to mimic the handle and neck of the shovel. This may make it more distracting, but I'd be interested to see the result.

Thrasher317 Oct. 15 '09

I %22dig%22 this. I agree with alto, though. Try a version adding some dimension to the spade portion. Also, maybe try increasing the word %22Foundation%22 to be the same width as %22Build.%22 Looks great otherwise.

strangeideas Oct. 15 '09

Great suggestions. Thanks.

Logobility Oct. 15 '09

Very nice, great work!!

Chad Sanderson Oct. 17 '09

@cesafacamah: Why? What would you change? Just saying you don't like it isn't very constructive.**I think this is awesome, by the way.

logomotive Oct. 17 '09

James, I love your stuff. Execution and all. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way but my mind relates this logo to death, as in diggin a grave and putting to rest. Perhaps if the heart shovel was pointed upwards? Maybe I'm just overthinking...

logomotive Oct. 17 '09

And I do understand the shovel as far as breaking new ground goes.

OcularInk Oct. 17 '09

Love the design how it is, but Mike prompted an idea. You could also use a regular shovel base and incorporate a heart into the handle.

strangeideas Oct. 17 '09

logomotive said:**James, I love your stuff. Execution and all. Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way but my mind relates this logo to death, as in diggin a grave and putting to rest. Perhaps if the heart shovel was pointed upwards? Maybe I'm just overthinking... **Thanks. I do respect your opinion and your work. You nailed the metaphor, break new ground and the start of building as it were.

tconrad Oct. 18 '09

man i love your stuff. . . great work


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