
by sparklin • Uploaded: Oct. 29 '09


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Description: Mediapreneur is an upcoming platform that would help an individual in making their career in the world of media. Aim is to make media studies a preferred career option by best brains around. In short helping the creative minds become Mediapreneurs or the media entrepreneurs
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1446

Lets Discuss

Type08 Oct. 29 '09

This one of the 4. Very nice and original style of the mark, not only the letter M but it also resembles the arrow which connects the message with the tag line (and vice versa). It gets my vote...

sixim Oct. 30 '09

Really love the style %26 colors of the mark. I hope you tried different placements for the byline.

gazarah Oct. 30 '09

Simple but brilliant appeal. Good job.

epsilon Oct. 30 '09

%22brilliant appeal%22 .. sock-puppet much, eh ?

Chad Sanderson Oct. 30 '09

%5E lol. Harsh. But after looking at the other versions of this I agree with Type08- this one is the best. I don't think I'm a huge fan of the all caps treatment (It's doesn't hinder anything, It's just a personal thing I guess) but the mark as a whole is well done.

muse7 Oct. 30 '09

If your going to stick with caps - I think they might look better spaced out a bit and smaller. Right now they are not in proportion to the mark or the tagline. I think that once you get the proportions right it will look a whole lot better because it will be balanced.


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