HK Photography

by sparklin • Uploaded: Jun. 30 '10


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Lets Discuss

milou Jun. 30 '10

Cool type you have here.

sparklin Jun. 30 '10

God, its so similar :%7C *Though types are different and so is the treatment.

sbj Jun. 30 '10

Nice n simple approach.. my floats**may be now u r facing the irony of the fact that our world is very small.. *

sparklin Jun. 30 '10

Thanks @sbj*Agree with the irony of this small world

sparklin Jun. 30 '10

@Anthony: I guess so too even though i liked the mark.*I'm not sure if varitation of treatment (please look closely how H and K are seperate) help. Does it?

milou Jun. 30 '10

Argh... I agree with Tony.

contrast8 Jun. 30 '10

yes they are too close

sbj Jun. 30 '10

yess that would be a better way as compare to living with it..

sparklin Jun. 30 '10

Uploaded another version.**@sbj: I'm trying but it would difficult to match up!

sbj Jul. 03 '10

yup i m seeing all around.. think about other options as well.. HK can do lot :)

sparklin Jul. 03 '10

@sbj: Did you check the latest version. Everyones liking it more than this one.

sbj Jul. 04 '10

LOLz*m nt aware about others liking that coz may be when i saw that it was wid out any comment..*%26 i chkd that frm thumb also due to sum hurry as well :)

sparklin Jul. 04 '10

I hope we both are talking about the same version. Did you check it in detail afterwards? Waiting to know your feedback on it.

sbj Jul. 06 '10

see Himanshu.. personally i dont think m very much fan of it but its a fine solution.. acc to me there is a lot scope there with HK %26 a photographer logo. may be i m wrong or not getting the actual idea there..


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