Organic Cottontail

by soto28 • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '10


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Description: logo concept completed 3-4 years ago.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 2749

Lets Discuss

ms>larking Feb. 18 '10

Love it on so many levels, very clever.

OcularInk Feb. 19 '10

The concept is clever, but does it not look a little like the bunny is pooping out cotton? Especially since the bunny looks slightly hunched over. Not trying to be mean here, but that's what I see.

kathariney Feb. 19 '10

@OcularInk: your comment made me choke on water...**Although that isn't what i have in mind, I have to say the tail is positioned a bit strangely. Maybe if the cotton is scaled down and the bottom of the stem is at the same level of the bottom of the feet?**but overall, this has a sweet feel to it.


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