Historic Hillsborough

by soto28 • Uploaded: Jun. 20 '09


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Description: Logo Design... see more at www.ssgraphicdesign.com
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1659

Lets Discuss

MomentumMagazine Jun. 20 '09

This is a very nice design. I would like to see the type a little bit bigger though. Other than that, it's beautiful.

soto28 Jun. 22 '09

I agree. We ended up adding the text below the graphic. Thanks for the comments.

tass Jun. 27 '09

I like it a lot! Great level of details, very nice! An idea, maybe you can loose some of them and remain with what is very specific to the place like %22this%22:http://www.crystalplazahotel.se/img/logo_crystalplaza.gif


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