by shaneg • Uploaded: Oct. 30 '06 - Gallerized: Nov. '06
Concept for a logo design for a cheerleading school.
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I love the concept. Unlike the other posters which I respect their opinion. I don't think it's that creepy. I like it. I've done quite a few youth events and youth event logos (yet to be posted) and man the things that work the most as far as keeping their attention is the shock factor of difference. That is the main reason for why I like it. Good job, I'd buy it.
Reply@LIFESERVANT: That's exactly why I did it. They told me they wanted a logo that they could stick on a shirt and it would grab peoples attention and look %22cool%22**They were too scared to use it though...
Replytypical... %3B)
Replythis imo is absolutely brilliant!... well done to you shaneg on a fantastic bit of work...
ReplyI like cheerleaders ...
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