by ryantoyota • Uploaded: Feb. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08
A personal project. I do mix CDs for family for birthday and Christmas presents, and I suddenly realized I had a branding opportunity there. Still in progress. I'm thinking of calling it "mixdisc by ryan" but haven't got to the "by ryan" yet.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Any comments on the typography? Is the M too thin? Too short? Is the X too wide? Too tall?**I drew the type myself referencing a font I found, but I didn't like everything about the font, so I'm trying to perfect it.
ReplyLooks well balanced to me, Ryan. The s is a nice touch.
ReplyI like it - only comment: the transition between the 'i' %26 the 's' could be a bit smoother, more curved, rounded. It's a bit clunky at the moment.
ReplyI especially like the %22x.%22 The %22m%22 does look a touch short. Very cool though.
ReplyYeah I like it, just the bottom-left corner of the 2nd I could use a nicer curve to go with the transition into the S.
ReplyI think m could be opened up a wee bit, but really I think the x is throwing the whole thing off.
Replytpye breaks a bit betweem the i and the s...
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