
by ryantoyota • Uploaded: Nov. 23 '07


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Description: A lot of others seem to be doing this lately so I thought I would as well. Here's an unused concept that I did years ago for a potential design studio.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2908

Lets Discuss

Areadesign Nov. 24 '07

Love the type work!

kult house Nov. 24 '07

Ryan. This is excellent in every way.

Beklad Nov. 24 '07

I love it! Especially the typography. But I've some tips for the alignment. Align the top of the T with the top of the H. The %22creative%22 with the right of the N. That's all :)

ryantoyota Mar. 12 '09

Thanks for the comments.**Belkad, the t and the %22creative%22 are placed that way to give the feeling of growth and artiness. Growth because they expand out past the borders of the rest of the logo, and artsiness because they're %22colored out of the lines.%22


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