Jaguar Ecological Reserve

by robertscully • Uploaded: Jun. 20 '07 - Gallerized: Aug. '07


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Description: Design this logo for the Jaguar Ecological Reserve let me know what you think
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Viewed: 7712

Lets Discuss

2695Design Jun. 20 '07

Very nice. I like how you focused on just the eyes as far as the jaguar is concerned. I also like the abstract-ish route with the pattern/shading.

KGB Aug. 23 '07

Not an attack, just my opinion. Robertscully, i generally like your work, but this one seems a little sophomoric to me. The type falls flat. Jaguar, the important word is overpowered by the other 2 words. %22The%22 is lost in the mix of the words and eyes and spots. I've seen a lot better from you.

OcularInk Aug. 23 '07

KGB, isn't the important part of the wordmark 'Ecological Reserve'? Or am I thinking logically to the wrong conclusion? :-P

KGB Aug. 23 '07

I'm sure there are a lot of Ecological Reserves out there. %22Jaguar%22 is what makes this different.

OcularInk Aug. 23 '07

I hear ya...and see your point.

KGB Aug. 23 '07

no, it doesn't have to be the %22best in the world%22 but it should be as good as it can be. I'm going to hush before I make climax angry. I don't want to do that. I (heart) logopond.

ghorsman Aug. 24 '07

I have to side with KGB. Though it is a nice graphic rendering, the typography could be improved. Ever thought of using something else besides Helvetica (or, God forbid, Arial)? Otherwise, nice imaging.

rachelg Aug. 26 '07

The idea is great, but it seems broken up a bit- making your eye jump from jag collage to the type beside it. Could almost be done with the fun collage look shaped along the face and neckline of the jaguar and have the type rolling across that without the different colored text... I'm a total rookie so not sure how much critique I can offer, but I like the piecey-ness of the jaguar- if piecey-ness can be considered a word LOL

nido Aug. 26 '07

@ climax... censor him.. censor him.. LOL

kaimere Aug. 26 '07

Im looking at this and then looking at the comments ... personally Im kinda loving this ... Playful but solid and serious ... great logo dude, the hardest logos to do while tring to create awareness and stay true to the cause. Definetly a lot of mileage and longevity in this mark. **Great work....

nido Aug. 26 '07

@climax... censor kaimere too.. censor him.. LOL

kaimere Aug. 26 '07

p.s. call me MR . Bs but the darting between the interation of the symbol and the logotype is genius ...

nido Aug. 26 '07

pleeaassseee.. anyone!!!


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