Work Flow Yoga

by rikkirogers • Uploaded: Jul. 05 '11


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Description: A business man in a yoga pose clearly communicates the goal of the company at first glance - "bringing yoga to the workplace"
As seen on: Work Flow Yoga
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3915

Lets Discuss

cnasshan Jul. 05 '11

haha! this is sweet!

rikkirogers Jul. 05 '11

Thank you so much, cnasshan! :*)

designtofeel Jul. 13 '11

Since %22work%22, %22flow%22, and %22yoga%22 are all the same length, it would be interesting to see them stacked on top of one another, in a square shape. This would bring more balance (from your tagline) to the mark.

rikkirogers Jul. 14 '11

designtofeel, I'm not sure I understand how that would bring more balance? If I were to stack the three words, wouldn't it appear as if my man was sitting on top of a Work Flow Yoga word-tower of sorts with the long tagline below? That would look funky, wouldn't it?

designtofeel Jul. 14 '11

I wasn't talking more balance formally with the arrangement of elements, I meant more balance conceptually, because it would definitely require more balance to sit on a tall tower of words, rather than a long line of words. Get it? I was just curious.

nathantrafford Jul. 14 '11

usually agree with you, dtf, but i think the balance thing here is conceptually supposed to be a left/right/yingyang sorta deal as opposed to a physical balancing act sorta deal. There are several things I would like to see happen with this mark, though. Mainly soften that stark black a little. Dark dark grey is almost always better than black. I'd bring the type down a touch. I know he's supposed to be sitting on the type or whatever, but i think the important thing is his tie/suit, so the more separation you can give that, the better. And what's wrong with a little levetation anyway? haha I'd also like to see a version where the type isn't as 'loud'. The headline could go much smaller and tracked out a bit, then 'FLOW' is done in all lowercase in a nice italic serif font in the green. There's a trick to doing this right, but i think this is one of the cases where it would work well.

type and signs Oct. 18 '11

apart from the graphical issues ... I like the concept very much ... clever ID work


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