Juice Time Juice Bar V5

by richardbaird • Uploaded: Feb. 17 '11 - Gallerized: Feb. '11


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Description: Continued development. Logo mark made up of a fruit blender and hour glass. Update: Added a bit of fruit. The other concept can be seen here: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/129055
As seen on: www.richardbaird.co.uk
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 14557

Lets Discuss

richardbaird Feb. 17 '11

Any thoughts or feedback on this would be appreciated.

AW Feb. 17 '11

Looks great! But my first feel was a coffee can instead of a blender.

krainiac Feb. 17 '11

I can see the subtle shape of a hour glass, however to me the juice %22drop%22 isn't capturing time as strong as the blender/hour glass shape. I do enjoy the refreshing color palette.

marvin k. Feb. 17 '11

It looks great! But I saw an espresso machine first and the hour glass is not completely clear to me (I wouldn't notice it if I didn't know).

LogoForge Feb. 17 '11

You've lost the hourglass from the last version.

LadyGrey Feb. 20 '11

Wow - bright, interesting %26 clever logo!

richardbaird Mar. 01 '11

Thanks pik yoke and for all the floats and other kind comments.


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