WA Amateur Football League

by revotype • Uploaded: Aug. 08 '13 - Gallerized: Aug. '13


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Description: New logo for community Australian Rules football competition in the metropolitan area of Perth, Western Australia, the client needed a redesign using a black swan so i came with the idea of using a football as negative space, hope the new logo go in use very soon.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 14010
Tags: sports competition Australia western

Lets Discuss

revotype Aug. 13 '13

Thank you :) i am really looking forward the first minute in it´s official use.

revotype Aug. 14 '13

Thanks Crisstiansen

lekimas Aug. 20 '13

you based in WA? Im on the Gold Coast :)

revotype Aug. 21 '13

Nope I am from Mexico, i did this logo for a crowdsourcing site.

revotype Sep. 01 '13

Thanks Rich, i wish i could travel someday to your exciting land.


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