Liberty Lawsuit Funding

by qmanning • Uploaded: Jan. 05 '09


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Description: When you're dealing with the subject matter of funding legal endeavors, you want to know you can trust the person you're working with. My goal with this logo was to create something more akin to a logo that may have been created 50 to 100 years ago, something that was strong, stable, was reminiscent of the Statue of Liberty and America, without being verbatim. Ultimately - "trustworthy hope" was the idea I hoped to capture.
As seen on: Liberty Lawsuit Funding
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5624

Lets Discuss

sdijock Jan. 06 '09

Nice work. The stars and lines in the background get a little lost, but nice overall.

nefiflorian Jan. 08 '09

Great! I love it! Congrax!

jasonmarkey Aug. 12 '09

How do I get in touch with you to do work? Contact me at**Thanks


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