by projectgraphics • Uploaded: Oct. 10 '11


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Description: Vizitkarta™ is a website which facilitates the circulation of the contact information on the Internet. All business cards in one place. Different firms, organizations, legal persons and ordinary people, all have the same opportunity to place their contact details on Vizitkarta website. On the other hand, those who have need for these information will find them much easier, and, all this is free of charge. So if you think that someone needs to find you or you need to find The Vizitkarta” logo consists of three “V” letters which is the initial of Vizitkarta brand name, each standing for one sole Vizitkarta which in local language means “Business card”. What's more, these three letters connected together they represent the network of business cards placed in one virtual space, creating a perfect place for those that have a need for such information. Equilateral triangle created by 3 V’s signifies equal possibility for everyone to promote their contact information, no matter where their location or what their activity is. Logo also represents three partners as three main pillars of the company while three different colors symbolize three different minds which came together around the same idea.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2751

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