by projectgraphics • Uploaded: Oct. 10 '11


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Description: PG MOTH logo is created for projectGRAPHICS, interactive department. Project Graphics is a leading creative factory that brings together a group of young and inspiring talents in the field of brand identity, print and editorial design, packaging, interactive design and architecture. It nurtures a diverse interactive creativity since 2002, when it was founded by Agon Çeta, its lead designer, as a response to the overwhelming demands over his illustrious straight lined designs that marked his generation. ProjectGRAPHICS Studio, the soul of the architects and graphic designers, it is hardly surprising that even their works shown on the form, structure, lines of preference and focus. The visual shape of the logo is just one circle of the PROJECTGRAPHICS studio logo. In order to emphasize the symbolizing green of the projectGRAPHICS corporate identity, we visualise it with the green moth creating light in black circle.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2634

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