Variant [v1]

by plantingSeeds • Uploaded: Mar. 31 '10


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Description: Variant could be used for a publishers, writers guild, or a wide variety of pen and nib manufacturers. (The type is a customised mix of Birch and Matrix II OT)
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 4349

Lets Discuss

sbj Mar. 31 '10

hey Colm! like it man...

mcdseven Mar. 31 '10

much prefer the type treatment on this version. it looks a whole lot different in uppercase so I kinda take back what I said on the other version. The only thing is I like the mark in the roundel. **BTW cool website, nice to see another fellow Irishman on the pond (safety in numbers!)

plantingseeds Apr. 01 '10

Thanks Paul. I like the roundel, but I think the white-space works better without it. Glad you like the site too, tis cool to meet another Irish designer on here!

mcdseven Apr. 01 '10

%5Eyeah1 theres Fogra and Birofunk aswell, two very talented logo designers knocking about here aswell.


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