
by pausedsn • Uploaded: Jun. 01 '12


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Description: Week 21. Can you imagine world without social networks? In the 21st century? I think it is now very difficult to imagine such a thing. It is all about friends, followers, likes, tweets, circles, lists, statuses, comments etc. Now there's a bunch of social networks that connect people based on interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. It is impossible to find a man who hasn't connected or who hasn't heard for one of these sites. Impact of these networks is growing rapidly in years to come.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 6592
Tags: socnet plus circle social network

Lets Discuss

samdemastrie Jun. 01 '12

I like the concept, but I wish the marks exactly matched the t that they come from. If I wash you I wouldn't set the word in italics, then I'd make the marks the exact size of the top of the t.

pjmaster Jun. 02 '12

@Sam - I appreciate your suggestion mate. I know what you are talking about. With italic typo I wanted to convey a message of dynamism and speed that these networks offer. I tried the version that you mentioned in the last sentence, but in that case mark is too large in relation to the text.


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