by pausedsn • Uploaded: Jun. 01 '12
Week 21. Can you imagine world without social networks? In the 21st century? I think it is now very difficult to imagine such a thing. It is all about friends, followers, likes, tweets, circles, lists, statuses, comments etc.
Now there's a bunch of social networks that connect people based on interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. It is impossible to find a man who hasn't connected or who hasn't heard for one of these sites. Impact of these networks is growing rapidly in years to come.
Just for fun
social network
Lets Discuss
I like the concept, but I wish the marks exactly matched the t that they come from. If I wash you I wouldn't set the word in italics, then I'd make the marks the exact size of the top of the t.
Reply@Sam - I appreciate your suggestion mate. I know what you are talking about. With italic typo I wanted to convey a message of dynamism and speed that these networks offer. I tried the version that you mentioned in the last sentence, but in that case mark is too large in relation to the text.
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