Karme Diem

by patriciape • Uploaded: Sep. 02 '10


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Description: for blog , will be used only in web
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 5492

Lets Discuss

Milou Sep. 02 '10

I'm liking the effects here, looks sweet :)

nido Sep. 02 '10

fantastic effects indeed...

theartistt Sep. 02 '10

This is fantastic. How does it look on the site? Here, by itself, it looks so complicated and detailed, but it is surprisingly humble. I would be afraid it would not stand out on a site when competing with other graphics. Is that one of the reasons for why the text is so small? Curious? Not a fan of the fonts, btw, but I presume they'll be elsewhere on the site.

patriciape Sep. 03 '10

Thank you all for floats and comments! I really appreciate that!**@theartistt - i still working on type, i haven't seen it on site yet, propably is not ready i only make client wish with this concept for now.

megashred13 Nov. 29 '10

just have to stop in again and say that this is awesome!

JoePrince Nov. 29 '10

Yep very cool indeed.

patriciape Nov. 29 '10

tomme, megashred13, joe! thank you! i'm so glad

epicantus Jan. 22 '11

Wonderful magic in this logo!

patriciape Jan. 22 '11

thank u a lot epicantus!


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