
by paragoninternational • Uploaded: Nov. 26 '07


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Description: Shams
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3372

Lets Discuss

q8ysurgeon Jun. 05 '10

its very bad actually , yet its used because the designer has a good reputation :)

louai Jun. 10 '11

It is a bad logo if you do not have any knowledge of the Arabic language. the logo is a three letter word in Arabic pronounced as %22Shams%22 which literally means SUN. The work has been approved and used by the Arabic pop singer and I got paid very very very well for this, not to mention that the same logo was published in a book titled %22Crack%22 on design and was copied by some graphic designers. so really thank you for your professional opinion %3B)

THEArtistT Jun. 10 '11

Arabic or not, not lovin it at all. But all good if you got paid. Professional opinions are like any other opinions... All that really matters is the client is happy.

louai Jul. 14 '11

Then it was my lucky day as I too was happy with the logo (not only the client).


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