
by palattecorner • Uploaded: Feb. 05 '12


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Description: c and filmroll
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 3205

Lets Discuss

balic Feb. 06 '12

Nice idea,*but I didn't see C at first.*I thought you wanted to form ice-hockey puck :)*Maybe make it more upright, for C to be more visible.*Good luck!

shtef sokolovich Feb. 06 '12

Very nice portfolio, some great works, but for this logo I have to say it is already done in LogoLounge 3, page 166, by %22ykcreative LLC%22 for %22Chriss Kelly Productions%22.

palattecorner Feb. 06 '12

@ balic...*Designed it in way that no one cant find out c at first time.Given more importent to the film roll.Thanks for your comment.**@ Maljkovich.......**Searched it in google but i cant find out that logo.*If you dont mine can you upload it.Both in same style or concept is same?*Client is happy with the design can i go forward with this log?

shtef sokolovich Feb. 07 '12

It is completely the same except the color of strip is not black but gray and have shadow on the left side. I don't know man, you decide, there are tons of similar logos out there so...%0D*

palattecorner Feb. 07 '12

Hi Maljkovich*I check it exactly will work on other one.*Thank you verymush for your spot*:)


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