think pen

by palattecorner • Uploaded: Jul. 09 '10


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Description: this is logo designed for striking ad caption writer.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 21172

Lets Discuss

rivalstudent Jul. 09 '10

Very cool, perhaps the type would be better black like the mark?

palattecorner Jul. 09 '10

thanks for u r suggestions:)*this is a logo designed for my friend. He is doing striking ad caption writings.So i designed this logo .

firebrand Jul. 11 '10

I'm sorry but puleez no more pen nib logos. May this one be the last!

Chad Sanderson Jul. 11 '10

With the two above. Plus, with the 1000 nib logos in existence at the moment, I'm pretty sure this has been done. SIDE

leonardoMagno Mar. 18 '11

Yeah, the pen nib has been used, but I think, you pulled this off. Your concept is solid...just my opinion, I liked it. I guess it works for me, because, if you leave out the typography...I still get that it involves writing and getting good ideas (thinking)*

firebrand Mar. 18 '11

Well done Leonardo, you've just spawned a thousand more! %3B)

palattecorner Mar. 21 '11

Actually i done it with my own concept...After that i findout the original work from google..any way thanks for your comments:)

palattecorner Aug. 08 '11

thank you shoomov:)*@ Ita love to see in gallery:)*But i lost that expectation :)

Bernd Aug. 08 '11

che sera, sera ... what ever will be ... %3BD


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