by onesummer • Uploaded: Mar. 30 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08
concept for a salon in Sag Harbor.
Client work
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I think there's a way to connect the 'F' like shape with the 'S' shape. Just might take a little time developing. Even if you connected it as is, the 'H' would then be more prominent and there would be an 'S' in the negative space of the 'H'.
Reply@Climax/@OcularInk,**thanks for the suggestions. I feel a little dumb, not even realizing some people may read an 'F' instead of an unconnected 'H'. I'll work with it and see if I can't get the two pieces connected in the right way. thanks.
ReplyExactly what David said. It's also very easy to stare at your own design for so long that the little details can be overlooked. That is why Logopond kicks so much a%24%24!! You get comments on your work from all different angles.
Replydecided to go ahead and just connect it into the 'H'%3B @ClimaxDesigns/@OcularInk, your first comments made very good sense. I toyed with a version that had a subtle gradient on the right side of the connector piece of the 'H', but decided against it. thanks again for the suggestions.
ReplyVery nice.
Replythis was selected to be in LogoLounge Vol 5.
ReplyCongrats Paul
Reply@logomotive. thanks.
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