texas pipe manufacturer

by onesummer • Uploaded: Feb. 11 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08


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Description: concept for a steel pipe manufacturer for the oil and gas industry that is based in Texas.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6714

Lets Discuss

AdamO Feb. 11 '08

Reminds me of the Windows Longhorn logo... But than again anything with horns like that propably would :)

onesummer Feb. 13 '08

@AdamO, lol, you must be constantly reminded of the longhorn logo then as there are a ton of images in the world that include horns %3B)**@b3nder, yes, it was intentional. It was supposed to be a subtle effect to strengthen the mark as a branded (like a cattle brand) symbol%3B however, I admit, I should have either left it out or implemented it better.

vigorbranding Feb. 13 '08

Clean design. On point. I would love to see it implemented into site, stationery, ads, etc.***Joseph Szala*www.vigorbranding.com

onesummer Feb. 14 '08

@b3nder. thanks for the suggestions. I don't like to leave things 'incomplete' so I went ahead and updated it.

Thomas Feb. 15 '08

Nice and clean. Very effective identity.

nexqunyx Oct. 06 '08

whatever happened to this comp. I think it was abandoned by the CH, right? Great mark!

onesummer Feb. 27 '09

I just found out that this has been chosen for one of logolounge's new Master Library series book.


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