
by nido • Uploaded: Aug. 26 '10


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Description: wip... TigreVerde (Green Tiger) early stages. Still need to work some things out on this but am wondering if anything like this is like this that comes to mind?...
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2136

Lets Discuss

nido Aug. 26 '10

just thought i'd share how the inspiration for this came about... %22click here%22:http://www.behance.net/gallery/TigreVerde-Inspiration/668381 ...just goes to show you never know where and when :)

dannyfranklin Aug. 26 '10

Cool. IMO I think the chin could use some work. Looks more sphynx-like. And maybe work in some white space into the tree somehow? Looks nice.

Mikeymike Aug. 26 '10

very cool. you're right though, inspiration %22can%22 come from anywhere.*keep on eye out. %3B)

logomotive Aug. 26 '10

Hey Nave, cool!! I saw the link I think you need that goatee looking chin though. BTW the left side neg space is cool Love the crooked nosed man and mouth and chin.:)

nido Aug. 27 '10

_I think you need that goatee looking chin though_**and I just shaved!....**Thanks for looking fellas... there is much work to be done here admittedly...

S.vanElderen Aug. 29 '10

I like it, wondering how this will turn out :)


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