by napalm • Uploaded: Mar. 06 '09
Social events for yuppies
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Client work
Lets Discuss
wt u tryin to convey with this ?
ReplyThis is real nice, the animated intro of it looks great on the website. My only little nitpick would be to keep the dot above the 'i' and move the type slightly more to the right, just feel the mark could breath a little more, but thats just personal preference. I see a dude with one of those yuppie silk scarves on blowing in the wind. Am I right? :)
ReplyI've said it once today but I will say it again, I see an R. I think keeping it all one colour would improve the legibility.
Reply@alterego The whole idea is the existence of this type of people, and their celebration through social networking events.*@NeilMcDonald Thanks a lot! Never thought of it like that :) The lines from the 'y' represent social networking. *@itsgareth yeah maybe you are right. The original version was in one color, but the client wanted it in two tone :)
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