
by napalm • Uploaded: Nov. 12 '08


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Description: Second version for the architecture bureau. The client is more fond of this one...
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1936

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Nov. 15 '08

I really like it, but the background made me stop and look at it more than the logo did. A bit too strong of a background! May want to put a bit of a turn on the G to the left so it doesn't get confused with a Q. I hope the client goes for it.

napalm Nov. 17 '08

the background is just a placement, it will not be definite. Thanks for the suggestions!

calvarenga Mar. 14 '11

what is the name of the font that u used for ȁCeastȁC? tks

napalm Mar. 17 '11

I converted it to shapes %26 I can't recall the name. Sorry!


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