Palette Wine Bar logo

by muse7 • Uploaded: Aug. 23 '09 - Gallerized: Jul. '12


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Description: Palette Wine Bar - is a logo for a sophisticated wine bar and/or restaurant that's niche is pairing wine with food. The mark plays on the idea of inventive pairings serving wine bottles on an artists palette / tray and connecting art, cuisine and wine.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 7860

Lets Discuss

logoboom Aug. 24 '09

Or maybe it stays white...but the red bottle hue changes where it overlaps the pallet?

tass Aug. 24 '09

Very nice made!

muse7 Aug. 24 '09

logoboom - da boom! - ok I see the light (through the glass)*tass - thank you very much.

logoboom Aug. 24 '09

Yeah...that's nice.

muse7 Aug. 31 '09

Thanks itsgareth and logoboom, I submitted it to Brandstack and they put it in the critique section, so fellow logoponders could you give me your thoughts because I am quite perplexed and slightly frustrated.

logoboom Aug. 31 '09

BTW this spelling of palate refers to the mouth and taste. The paint board is spelled palette.**I'd go with all caps as well...just to give it a more solid foundation for the mark to sit on.

muse7 Aug. 31 '09

Thank you for responding to my request da bomb! True logoboom, I switched it to palate because it speaks to the sense of taste, wine and cuisine (a refined palate). Do you think that I am expecting to much from a viewer to make the associations between the words palate and palette? I'll play with the type. *

LauraWhatever Jul. 02 '12

Lovely design. Only the white bottle overlapping area catches attention too much. Maybe slightly rosy tone would bring more solid feeling for whole logo.


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