Sleepy Eyes Filmworks

by michal • Uploaded: Mar. 03 '09 - Gallerized: Apr. '09


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Lets Discuss

Paul Rand Mar. 08 '09

Try a different font.*The sleepy eye concept can be pulled off without flipping them.*filmworks doesn't sit right, like an afterthought.

logomotive Mar. 08 '09

%5E I think that Paul %22Loyd%22 Rand is talking in his sleep.*Maybe you should at least post some work before telling people what to do.*

theartistt Mar. 09 '09

I agree. although I don't agree with everything he says, he does seem to know his stuff. has anyone seen Toni lately?

theartistt Mar. 09 '09

filmworks should be centered underneath, but the rest is perfect.

dbunk Mar. 10 '09

Micha! Gotcha....?!? with those sleepyeyes :)

tconrad Apr. 27 '09

Nice eye-dea (sorry bad pun). I don't mind the font at all I think it fits, the placement of the filmworks doesn't bother me either. The 'Fi L' ascenders nestle nicely into the negative space of 'ye' and the 'k' fits well at the end of 'eyes'.**I do think the eyes seem a bit more 'indifferent' than sleepy. I do see how the 'e' right side up might make for nice bags under the eyes. Either way, I like what you've got. Kudos!

logotomy Apr. 27 '09

Nice, Actually, I agree with tconrad about the nice bags under the eyes when the e are flipped back to normal.

teeps Apr. 27 '09

Great, I like this as you've presented.... you've rotated the %22e%22 upside down... which is giving a sleepy feel

Mitch Apr. 28 '09

I agree that the eyes don't need to be rotated, just reflected. This could then be used to play on the bags under the eyes.**And yes the strap is awkwardly set at the moment, but don't feel centering it would help the situation.

theartistt Apr. 28 '09

The more I look at this, the more I don't think it should change. It grows on you in a good way.

nilly Apr. 28 '09

excellent logo, I love the font

michal Apr. 28 '09

Climax, it's always good to hear some criticism :)*In most cases designer has to make decissions about design by himself. *I think that there is always some way to create something better and all you can do is to learn on your mistakes.

rambal Apr. 28 '09

except the font, the mark stands out only because of the concept.%0D*Nice concept.%0D*

tconrad Apr. 30 '09

I'm curious where it says baggy eyes is specifically a morning thing? I always thought there to be more general association to sleepiness or lack of sleep. I'm no MD though.

tconrad Apr. 30 '09

ps. since when did not having a green flag stop people from critiquing/commenting?**can't he just not scroll down the page?

gold coast website design Apr. 30 '09

Not bad. On it's own it's good but compared to the level of creativity on this site it's a bit lame.

sleepyeyes May. 02 '09

nice font choice and look but the eyes just don't look sleepy enough for my liking. May it's the straight across of the %22eyelids%22 that says annoyed or angry to me more than sleepy. Mentally i associate more of a downward curve with sleepy**on a similar note it's kinda sad to see someone else making use of my name, oh well, such is life

19930921 May. 04 '09

Hello michal**I have featured your logo on my websites feature called 'Hot or Not'*Each month i give my opinions on the Featured logo's on Logopond.****Thank you.*Adam @


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