by michal • Uploaded: Jul. 14 '08 - Gallerized: Jul. '08
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na wypasie panie
a dziękuję :)
Really nice enclosure logo. And the colors scream %22bakery%22. Excellent work, Michal.
Nice work Michal.*Now, my french useless 2 cents... There's some kind of mistake in the name...Should be %22LA French Bakery%22... Because Bakery is %22feminine%22... Strange isn't it?
Its just charming the way that type, color and symbol get combine. COngrats
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na wypasie panie
Replya dziękuję :)
ReplyReally nice enclosure logo. And the colors scream %22bakery%22. Excellent work, Michal.
ReplyNice work Michal.*Now, my french useless 2 cents... There's some kind of mistake in the name...Should be %22LA French Bakery%22... Because Bakery is %22feminine%22... Strange isn't it?
ReplyIts just charming the way that type, color and symbol get combine. COngrats
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