
by mfrank • Uploaded: Jan. 22 '10


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Description: For fun.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 5630

Lets Discuss

ethereal Jan. 22 '10

Very cool. The whole layout is very similar to my Rocket Golf.

JoePrince Jan. 22 '10

%5EYeah that's what I was thinking too Sean.

j-CAZ Jan. 22 '10

Same here and I think it's only because I haven't seen a whole lot of designs revolving around a golf tee here. Great design and play on words. Good job.

mfrank Jan. 22 '10

Ah crap ethereal! Didn't mean to step on your toes. I will play with layout a bit. My apologies.

ethereal Jan. 22 '10

Oh, that's cool, bro, don't worry about it. I love the concept.

mfrank Jan. 22 '10

Well thanks. I still like yours better! lol **I'll change mine to country club or something. :D

ethereal Jan. 22 '10

Nah, the name and concept is great. It's the general layout that's so similar, and while in the end I honestly don't even really care, it's nice to make it truly original. You might just simply try to see if you can get the type to work to the right of the tee, bring the tee down in size or something, I don't know. Don't ditch this, I'd just say strive for a bit more distance in the overall look and feel from mine. It's just layout, not name and concept, the concept is sweet!

mfrank Jan. 22 '10

%5Esounds good. I'll make ya proud! :P

mfrank Jan. 25 '10

Updated. Thanks Sean.

ethereal Jan. 25 '10

There you go, nice!

j-CAZ Jan. 26 '10

The professionalism that I just witnessed between the two of you brought a tear to my eye. This is what the pond is all about.


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