Farm Fresh

by megashred13 • Uploaded: May. 19 '11 - Gallerized: May. '11


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Description: Unused proposal for Farm Fresh. Mark has a bit of a double meaning (for lack of a better word) and can be seen as the cliche sunrise over the hills and/or a fresh new plant in bloom.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 28745

Lets Discuss

megashred13 May. 19 '11

Thanks for the float Mike! Version 2 can be seen here:

wiking May. 19 '11

Jordan, like them both. I think this one has a better balance to it.

megashred13 May. 19 '11

I agree with you. I did the second version to advance the feeling of something growing. I may tweak it to try to get it to present a bit better...

dannygdammit May. 20 '11

I really love this.. Did you try one scaling the %22Farm%22 up until it's justified with the %22fresh%22... I dunno, maybe scaling it isn't the answer.. But I feel like farm is just asking to be the same width as fresh so it creates more of a box.. either way excellent logo!

megashred13 May. 20 '11

Oh wow! My first gallery entry!!! Thank you to whoever added me! This is a cool way to start the weekend....**@Danny - Good suggestion. The type is still the weakest part of this design and could probably use some adjusting. Thanks for your input!

megashred13 May. 20 '11

I've updated the type. Justified Farm and Fresh and updated the color of Fresh to green. Good update or did I just take it the other way?

herbyderby May. 20 '11

Solid, high-contrast and easy to see at a distance. Winner!**Maybe round the corners of the green box just a smidge to soften it up? Perhaps only the two bottom corners of the green box? Just my 2c.

megashred13 May. 20 '11

Thanks Herb! I tried your suggestion and for now i think I like it without the rounded corners, somehow it just seemed slightly distracting. Thanks for the input though, I'll take all I can get!

LadyGrey May. 20 '11

Me likes better other version of this logo

lumavine May. 20 '11

It might be worth trying to enlarge the leaf/sun part just a bit, so that it pops out of the text rectangle like it is growing. I think that is what I like about the other one, so it might be a way to combine them. Nice work on the text, this is very nice and memorable overall!

richardbaird May. 20 '11

This really stands out of the front page due to its simplicity, really well resolved it all aspects.

megashred13 May. 20 '11

Thanks guys! @Lumavine - Good idea - I may give that a try!

logomotive May. 20 '11

This is really Fresh

webcore May. 21 '11

This work really nicely. Well done!

JoePrince May. 21 '11

Looks really good man :) Nice use.

itsgareth May. 21 '11

so fresh %26 so clean

Rokac May. 21 '11

One of the healthiest logos I have ever seen:)*@Chad, that's a good tune:)

DanF May. 27 '11

This is very cool. The other thing the circle reminded me of was an orange (the fruit) hiding behind the leaves. I love it

Artgeko Oct. 28 '11

A great idea of the logo and realization of conception!

ClimaxDesigns Jun. 29 '16

Too similar, i'd say it was snatched, smh @lumavine
at least with the GMO you can say heavily inspired, the farm Illinois one is a straight rip off.

lumavine Jun. 30 '16

@ClimaxDesigns yes down to the word Farm inside the icon frame in bold sans serif. Sad

megashred13 Mar. 20 '17

@ClimaxDesigns @LumaVine So I sent them several messages without response and when they finally did respond they denied ever having seen my logo (as well as saying they see no similarities in the design, seriously), claimed the designer who "created" the brand had never seen my logo, and went as far as having their lawyer issue a statement saying I had no argument. So I'm kind of at a loss as to what, if anything, I could even do about it at this point.

ClimaxDesigns Mar. 20 '17

Option 1
Honestly, if you feeling up for a court battle and have some funds available and the lawyer you chose thinks you have a case, sue em for copyright infringement and damages there of. But just realize its a long and drawn out situation. There's no way on Gods green earth that someone involved in coming up with that logo didn't see this while developing or sometime before hand.

Option 2
Chalk if up, I hate to say it, but if they are dead set on keeping it and already have a lawyer on board, hes probably not on their dime (friend etc) and would have all the time and energy in the world to hold this up in court for a long time. It seems so cut and dry, but lawyers have a funny way of muddying up the water.

Chanpion Mar. 20 '17

Agree with David. Take option 2 mate. IP legal battles takes a long time to resolve and the courts would not touch you until you have gone through private mediations. If you are not suffering a great financial loss with this infringement then move on. Its just not worth it.


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